Pixel-wise Dense Detector for Image Inpainting

Ruisong Zhang 1,2    Weize Quan 1,2    Baoyuan Wu 3,4    Zhifeng Li 5    Dong-Ming Yan 1,2   
1 National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 School of Artificial Intelligence, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
3 School of Data Science, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
4 Secure Computing Lab of Big Data, Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data
5 Tencent AI Lab

Deep inpainting technique fills the semantically correct and visually plausible contents in the missing regions of corrupted images. All above results are presented by our proposed framework.


Recent GAN-based image inpainting approaches adopt an average strategy to discriminate the generated image and output a scalar, which inevitably lose the position information of visual artifacts. Moreover, the adversarial loss and reconstruction loss (e.g., l1 loss) are combined with tradeoff weights, which are also difficult to tune. In this paper, we propose a novel detection-based generative framework for image inpainting, which adopts the min-max strategy in an adversarial process. The generator follows an encoder-decoder architecture to fill the missing regions, and the detector using weakly supervised learning localizes the position of artifacts in a pixel-wise manner. Such position information makes the generator pay attention to artifacts and further enhance them. More importantly, we explicitly insert the output of the detector into the reconstruction loss with a weighting criterion, which balances the weight of the adversarial loss and reconstruction loss automatically rather than manual operation. Experiments on multiple public datasets show the superior performance of the proposed framework.

Detection-based Framework

Our proposed detection-based inpainting framework consists of a generative network to reconstruct corrupted images and a detective network to evaluate outputs of the generator. The generator follows an encoder-decoder architecture with eight residual blocks for extracting multi-scale semantic feature to restore corrupted images. The detector is a seven-layer fully convolutional network, which is augmented by in-network up-sampling and pixel-wise loss for dense evaluation of the inpainted image. The generator and detector are trained by the weighted reconstruction loss and segmentation-based loss, respectively.

Experimental Results

Above figure is qualitative comparison about visual inpainting details with previous approaches, including PConv, PEN, and GConv. The From top to bottom splited three groups from CelebA-HQ, Places2 and Paris StreetView dataset, respectively.

Some daily applications of our inpainting framework on image translation includes object removal (the left column), text removal (the middle column) and old photo restoration (the right column). For each pair of images, the top image is the input and the bottom image is the image translation result.


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